I have done a poor job on keeping up with this blog!! I thought I would at least find a couple minutes each week to record Nolan’s growth and our new adventures, but for some reason those minutes have decided to play hide and seek and I haven’t had the time to go and find them!
Nolan is growing so fast and his little personality is budding like spring time flowers. He is a little over 6 months old. At his 6 month checkup he was 17 lbs, 27 inches long. I can’t believe he is so big and we are half way to his 1st birthday.
Belly Time! Watch out because I am a rolly polly |
Sitting up on his own; Paul has been working with this every evening and he had mastered it pretty well. He can sit up on his own, reach down and grab a toy and then pull himself back up to a sitting position. He still wobbles, but he is getting there.
He now has two little teeth popping through on the bottom. He has been a champ, but some nights I can tell that they are really bothering him. I am not sure if more teeth aren’t coming through. We are definitely in the phase of everything goes in my mouth. He loves both his Sophie the Giraffes and his rubber blocks.
He has also found his voice. He loves to squeal at the top of his lungs at home and out in public. I think our date nights with Nolan are coming to an end fast.
He loves the dogs! Any time Molly or Nola are close by he tries to touch them. Nola isn’t too sure and jumps down quickly, but Molly on the other had goes in for the kiss and would lick him to death if we allowed. Paul and I joke that when Nolan is a little older and Molly can get into his bed, we believe Molly will sleep with him at night. I see a strong little friendship growing every day, it’s so cute and blesses my heart to no end. I am keeping a watchful eye, because he is grabbing pretty hard these days. Just this week he had Molly’s leg and wasn’t letting go.
I got her! |
He goes to daycare each day. He loves his teachers and is fascinated with the older kids. He loves to watch them play. I can tell he learns from watching the older kids.
Let me pet while she's looking the other direction |
I am still breastfeeding. I have enjoyed BF and it makes me happy that I have lasted this long. I feel like it’s given him a healthy start and gives us some cuddle time, that no one else gets. We have started on food. We started with rice cereal at 5 1/2 months just a couple times a week, and he liked it. We then moved to oatmeal at 6 months and this week we did our first veggie – sweet potatoes. He loved them.
First solids! Yummy |
His face was priceless at the first taste, and I totally missed it on camera. We got his second bite on film and it was great. He is like a little baby bird in the feeding chair. He kicks his legs and smacks his hand on the side of his tray when we are too slow. I can tell he is going to be a big eater! I am going to try to make my own food for now. The SP was super easy and I think next on the list may be carrots or butter nut squash.
I Love Sweet Potatoes! Delicious |
My First Bunny |
Paul and I love being parents! It is work and our lives are so different, but I truly feel Nolan is the greatest gift God has given us and I look forward to watching him grow up!
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