Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Major Pain in My Kidney!

Well the last couple of days have been so much fun for the O’Donohue clan. Two separate trips to the emergency room, and a hospital suite.  Over the last couple of months I have had tons of trouble - turns out I have had a kidney stone for over three months.

The major pain hit Saturday evening after Paul and I had a wonderful evening on our patio enjoying our delicious salmon entrĂ©e and my favorite new wine. After a couple of twinges “small shooting pains” the pain became constant,  to the level where I acted like a major wiggle worm and couldn’t breath or stop crying due to the pain. Thank goodness for Paul’s skillful driving skills we arrived to the emergency room just in time! After a CT scan, turns out I had a kidney stone in my right kidney. I was sent home with pain medicine and told to contact my doctor on Monday.

Skip over to Monday, I am at work – had already called my doctor and made an appointment and boom the pain hit me! The pain was excruciating. My guardian angels came to my rescue and drove me to the hospital. After waiting in the emergency room for only 20 minutes (Paul is amazed at how efficient our health care system really is) I was taken back to meet my favorite nurse of the day – Melissa! After two rounds of morphine, a shot of Zofran, Dilantin, Benadryl (morphine made me itch),  an ultrasound and another CT scan it turns out my stone was causing back-up into my kidney and the stone was in my ureter and didn’t want to come out. I was kept overnight and Paul was great and stayed with me the whole time! I was even nice and shared my bed with him!

This morning I discharged and was sent home to try and pass the stone on my own, I have until Thursday morning at 6:15 to get this stone out or they are going in after it!

So, my –so-called marching orders are rest, stay on top of my pain medicine, drink beer and Paul swears if I would do jumping jacks it might just knock loose!

Cheers to a beer and a painful kidney stone!

Saturday, May 7, 2011